Wednesday, January 22, 2014

And just like that...

Yesterday, while I was at home sick with Monica and Senna, Senna - out of nowhere - started calling me "da-DEE" instead of her usual "da-da". She still uses "Da-Da" sometimes but the change is happening. It's a strange feeling. I know that she wasn't going to call me "da-da" for the rest of her life. But it wasn't one of things I expected to change so soon - or ever - somehow. There's things I expect to change. I realize that she's going to be potty trained someday and I won't need to rush her to the potty or change her diaper anymore. And that will be a sad day in some ways - though a great and momentous occasion to be sure. I know it's coming though. I'm already cognizant of it and am relatively prepared (in the paternal sense of knowing it will happen at least). But Senna calling me "da-dee" instead of "da-da". Well shit. No one told me!